The CX-Driven Growth Playbook
Add reviews to your product pages for an estimated revenue lift of 1.5%
Customer Experience

Add reviews to your product pages for an estimated revenue lift of 1.5%

Social proof is one of the most powerful influences on a prospective buyer. Reviews from other shoppers will likely resonate much more than the best sales copy in the world. Collect and share those reviews where they matter most: when a customer’s browsing your products.

Who does this? Steve Madden, Good American

Why a 1.5% lift? 10 reviews on a given product can uplift conversion by 53%, but 100 can more than double the conversion. If you reach 100 product reviews for at least your best-selling products (likely 50% of your revenue), you’ll double your conversion for these products. For instance, you’ll shift from an average 2% on-site conversion to 4% conversion. As your best-selling product likely accounts for 50% of your revenue, you’ll lift revenue by 1%.

How to implement this tip? Set up a product review tool, either on its own or integrated with your customer service platform. Regularly ask your customers to leave you a product review after their purchase. Create a rewards program for customers who let you a lot of reviews: discount codes or invitations to private sales are compelling motivation.

Steve Madden's online store has descriptive reviews, which helps future customers make more informed shopping descriptions.
Source: Steve Madden

📚 Get more context and in-depth tips in our article on ecommerce product reviews.

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