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Thank You AI

New! Solve Thank You tickets with GPT4 AI.
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70% of closed tickets get reopened from customers who only wanted to thank you! We can help you re-close them with advanced AI before being assigned to a new agent. So you can boost your team's efficiency and improve customer satisfaction.

Are reopened tickets distracting your team? Close non-actionable “thank you”s

Thank You GPT is a plugin that connects to your help desk and reviews your reopened ticket

The plugin closes only non-actionable tickets, meaning that the customer thanked you and has no additional requests

The plugin uses advanced AI to detect all kinds of “thank you” variations in all languages. With 99.9% accuracy, you won’t miss any important tickets.

What people are saying:

"Great app, closed 80 tickets in 3 minutes for us once enabled - so helpful! Great support from Tamir to get it up and running. Worked a treat!"
Gareth Southern, Head of People Services, Nando's

"It's so nice to have a few extra minutes for tasks that are actually important."
-Yael Kompano, Head of Customer Support, Practi (JustEat)