Know your bottomline
Keep track of the conversations that bring revenue. Every customer interaction is an opportunity to build stronger relationships that drive sales.

Drowning in support tasks? Here’s your life raft.
Support team makes bank
See the total sales revenue brought in from customer support. Track revenue growth on a weekly or monthly basis to inform your day-to-day operations. Know your team’s impact on your bottom line.
Run a profit center
It’s relationships that make the sale. As you help your customers love your brand, one ticket at a time, monitor the total number of tickets converted to sales, per day.
What converts?
Optimize your upsell strategy by quickly identifying the tickets that made the sale. Analyze the ticket details to understand what works and what doesn’t.
Monetize your customer care
Surface your impact
Good customer care grows revenue exponentially. Use Revenue Statistics to rightfully take credit for your team’s contribution to month-over-month revenue, all while building invaluable loyalty.
Keep a score - and don’t!
Use filters for time, agents and channels to identify trends. Quickly understand the circumstances around a good week or an agent that performed exceptionally better than the others.
Measure the timeline
Forecast how long it's likely to take between ticket creation and the ensuing sale. Click on converted tickets to see just how much effort it takes to upsell.
Turn problems into revenue
Customer support is the brick-and-mortar experience of ecommerce. Think of every ticket as an opportunity to build deeper relationships and convert more sales.
Move your numbers up
Lead customer support to generate more revenue by leveraging the product picker and chat campaigns. Your team knows your customer journey the best — equip them with the these tools to make the sale.
Oil the machine
Reward the team members who led the support conversations that brought in sales. Easily monitor the tickets and agents who converted tickets to sales.
Track the impact of phone calls through comprehensive reports

How our customers drive more revenue from support
Measure and improve your support
Connect 100+ ecommerce tools