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Improve CX & agent performance with Loris CQA + Gorgias.
Get Started With Gorgias
Loris is priced based on agent seats and the number of channels covered. Please contact Loris to discuss your specific business needs.

Loris CQA uses proven AI and machine learning capabilities to change the quality assurance (QA) process from manual and irrelevant to automated and actionable. By analyzing 100% of customer conversations across voice and digital channels, Loris identifies the interactions that had the greatest impact on customer experience – without the need to pour over transcripts or recordings.

This significantly reduces the time and effort in your quality control process, giving QA managers and team leaves more time for agent mentoring and meaningful coaching.

Lower the cost of QA: Perform more quality checks with less effort and in less time, giving analysts, managers, and team leads more time to work with agents directly.

Improve agent performance: Shorten agent review cycles by automating analysis of all interactions, giving agents the timely guidance they need to continuously improve.

Increase QA consistency and value: Leverage AI to focus on the right conversations across all your channels, using QA to directly impact on the people who shape your CX.